I listened to them before they were cool 

Oh we know your story, hardcore music fans. Your favorite band ever just sold out the largest venue in that major city and you’re so happy about this development, right? Wrong. You’re pissed. This now-foreign-to-you band sucks! How dare they sellout like that! Their music now matches the bland idea of actually making money from talent. Blah. 

Music fans like this are all around us. They claim to have loved that oh-so-popular band before they hit the the top 100 Billboard list. “They were good 5 years ago.” Really? You loved them 5 years ago while they were still touring their small town 2,000 miles from your home passing out CDs burned on their dads’ Dell? You’re so cool. Gosh I wish I could be as hip & informed about the music scene as you are.

 I mean, what do you people expect? That everyone who has become a new fan of your favorite band should fall to their knees, kiss your feet, and chant how awesome you are to have known what we new fans know now about this band? Get over yourself. Also, these music fans sorely detest that their favorite band is actually *gasp* collecting a paycheck for that music! WHAT?!? How dare they? They really blow now. 

This music listener is not better than the average person as they like to point out to you. Perhaps they don’t have a grasp on their true identity. Their music helps paint their picture. When that music is exposed to a wider audience, that “identity” becomes others’ identity thus watering it down for all who share it.  Though it’s hard to resist, try not to roll your eyes or tune out when stuck in an uncomfortable dialogue about this topic with this type of person. Understand that they too are striving to reach that top need of self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy.  After all, they are human beings just like you and me. They have feelings too. 

No, I’m kidding. Tell them how dumb they are and make them realize how useless this behavior is. They need to understand it is perfectly okay that their favorite band is reaping the benefits of hard work. Consequently they need to realize their favorite band does not care about their anger toward them nor that they lost 1 fan in the process of gaining 5,000,000. 

The truth shall set them free.